Monday 7 November 2011

People I don't like.

I've felt a fair amount of disdain towards certain individuals lately, and decided to vent some frustration in the form of a long forgotten blog.

Most likely this is down to my usual high intolerance for meeting new people and being in social situations over which i have no control, and the fact that over my past 5 and a half weeks in Germany I have made, for myself, an unusually high number of friends and thus my natural capacity for dislike has become somewhat subdued and mellow.

That was however until recently.

A female, English, has appeared in the scene, uninvited and unwanted with the apparent notion that as we are both English then of course we should both be friends. Oh how wrong you are!!!

Said female is nothing to be desired, short, unnatractive, lacking in almost every department, features reminiscent of those belonging to a troll doll, she is, as they say in the art business, no oil painting. This alone would not be bad enough to rile me into an (admittedly ott) tirade about her, no, what prompts this is her constant appearance and skulking at events in which i am involved, whether it be a lecture, day out or a mere passing in the corridor, whenever i think i have managed to shake her off, BOOM, there she is in her holy magnificent unglory.

In these situations I can feel her, eyes burning into my very sole, willing me to her and the inevitable "hey I'm english too, lets be friends based only on that and the fact that we have absolutely nothing else in common apart from the fact that we both hate me"

On a lighter note, i seem to have inadvertently acquired myself a stalker of more sinister nature. Marlon, the white German with a dead look in his eyes, framed by a mane of greasy locks.
Never seen out of his trademark brown suede suit jacket and green polo shirt, Marlon is a creep of the higest order.
Made even worse by the fact that he has a desire to teach me German, not even his poor english is enough to disuade him from the task of teaching a novice his mother tongue. Marlon is persistent in his creepiness and his eyes searching over me, undoubtedly wondering if it's true that human meat is as good as people say.

It's hard work being nice all the time, just needed to vent a bit of frustation!!