Monday 19 December 2011


My flat"mate".

Pathetic whistle and shuffling slippers.
The very sounds are enough to entice me into madness and, oddly enough, give me a slight chill within.

What does he do? Where does he do it? I have no idea!

Pigeon-like features and pigeon-like gait, bobbin head and beaky nose.

Dirty kitchen with pots and pans, gathering mold. He doesn't even give a fuck.
Week-old pasta rotting in its pot, coffee in the sink went the same way last week. He took my spoon, the one with the rabbit on I got from Ikea, why the fuck would he want that? He has loads of spoons.

Filthy bathroom too, dirty floor, get back at him by using his Head & Shoulders.
Finally bought a mop today. Use it.

Comes home from (work?) somewhere, slams the door, awful music, computer nerd, has his own website "under construction"

So why does he send a chill up my spine? A man of pathetic attributes.

Quite simply, I "borrowed" his internet for a few days without his knowledge (having your name and date of birth for a password is asking for trouble) he subsequently found out and blocked my computer from his wifi.
Not a word was spoken about this.

November 1st comes and there's a note on my kitchen table  
Leads to my one and only conversation with him.

Me "have you got a bill"
Onur "No"
Me "ok"

10 minutes later he produces a bill of unidentifiable origin (mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut!!) so for ease I agree to pay.
But no, I get thinking later on, the numbers didn't add up, so I refused to pay, I didn't tell him of course. Over a month later i still haven't coughed up the cash. Cunt.

And once again, not a word from the man himself, no questions, no interactions. Nada.

The longer this radio silence went on, the more I began to wonder, whats he thinking? What does he think of me? The internet stealing, no electricity paying guy from England who never talks to me. Was he planning anything? I had no idea.

Then came the dream. My room, my bed. I was asleep, a dream within a dream. In walks Onur, turns on my light, I pretend to be asleep, hope he goes away. Seconds tick by and the light remains on so I crack a lid to check. He sees me and I see him, the light goes off.
I sit up, or try, I can't talk and I can't move my arms. He's coming closer, humming, mumbling, closer. I mght not have paid for electricity but one way or another, he'll make me pay. Fuck.
My eyes spring open, my heart pounds. Was it real? Was it a dream? I hope for the latter and get up to check the door is locked, it is. Relief, but not, I can't sleep, I can hear him shuffling.

Half an hour later I drift off, but the memory? It's drifting nowhere.

Fear, irrational or not, is fear. Would someone really enter another persons locked room at night over an unpaid electricity bill of 28€? I highly doubt it but there is no limit to the imagination of an idle mind, given time to think, to construe, to create.

Here's to hoping I return after Christmas to no more Onur!

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